Endothelial dysfunction under stress

Viunitska L.V. 1, Gavrilenko T.I.2, Pidgaina O.A.2, Lomakovskyi O.M.3, Rasputniak O.V.2, Zavadetska O.P.1

Summary. The article provides an overview of the current possibilities of laboratory diagnostics of stress-induced endothelial dysfunction, considers the relationship between both well-known and potential diagnostic markers of vascular endothelial dysfunction and stress-associated cardiovascular diseases. It is emphasized that stress, in particular mental stress, is a triggering factor of endothelial dysfunction, which triggers and intensifies pathophysiological reactions, which underlies the progression of cardiovascular diseases, including coronary heart disease and heart failure. Based on the analysis of literature sources, it is concluded that a comprehensive assessment of the state of vascular endothelial functions under stress (even before the formation of morphological changes) can be an important component of predicting the course and preventing the development of vascular pathology.

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