Zolotaryova N.A.

Summary. Hypermobile syndrome (HMS) is a type of connective tissue dysplasia, the diagnosis of which in Ukraine remains very low. However, it is known that this pathology is not so «harmless» and, like other connective tissue dysplasias, it is characterized by lesions not only of the musculoskeletal system, but also systemic visceral manifestations. This necessitates the need for timely diagnosis of HMS, its signs from the musculoskeletal system, especially vertebrogenic, which are almost not studied, as well as the issues of its prevalence in Ukraine. The purpose of the study is to study the prevalence of hypermobility and hypermobile syndrome in the Ukrainian population, as well as clinical and instrumental signs of spinal damage. Object and methods of the study. To study the prevalence of GMS in the population, 1060 people were examined, in whom the presence of «benign» joint hypermobility and GMS was studied. Also, the study of pathological signs of musculoskeletal damage was carried out separately in 130 subjects, of which 52 people had an additional X-ray examination of the spine. Object and methods of research. To study the prevalence of GMS in the population, 1060 individuals were examined, in whom «benign» joint hypermobility and GMS were studied for the presence. Also, pathological signs of musculoskeletal damage were studied separately in 130 subjects, of which 52 individuals had an additional X-ray examination of the spine. Results of the study. Joint hypermobility was registered in 158 of 1060 subjects, i.e., the prevalence in the population was 14.9%, and hypermobility syndrome — 1.7%, among people with hypermobility — 11.4%. Clinical signs of musculoskeletal damage were mainly reduced to arthralgias, more often in large joints (53.06%), as well as to vertebralgias, which were also observed quite often (46.94%). Back pain was localized more often in the thoracic and lumbar regions. It should be noted that despite the young age of the examined patients (21.0±0.6 years), almost half of them (48.08%) had radiologically confirmed signs of early osteochondrosis of the spine. Conclusions. The prevalence of hypermobility in the population of Ukraine is 14.9%, and hypermobility syndrome — 1.7%. The most common manifestations from the musculoskeletal system are arthralgia, more often in large joints, and the formation of early osteochondrosis of the spine.

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