Institution : ГУ «Днепропетровская медицинская академия МЗ Украины»
Risk of development and peculiarities of nefropathy in patients with systemic sclerosis
Authors: Kuryata O.V. Lysunets T.K. Karavanska I.L. Semenov V.V. №61 (3) 2015 / Review: 15
FUNCTIONAL condition of vascular endothelial, subclinical manifestations of atherosclerosis in PATIENTS WITH articular syndrome caused by systemic connective tissue diseases, and perhaps of their CORRECTION BY APPLICATION L-arginine
Authors: Kuryata O.V. Mitrokhina O.S. Lysunets T.K. Tarnavska N.M. №54 (4) 2013 / Review: 8 |