Author : Zazdravnov A.A.
Esophageal pathology in patients with rheumatic diseases.
Review of the literature and own research results
Author:Zazdravnov A.A. №62 (4) 2015 / Review: 12
EVALUATION of salivation is a noninvasive screening method of esophageal complications in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Author:Zazdravnov A.A. №58 (4) 2014 / Review: 16
hyposalivation is a Clinical Marker and AGRAVATOR OF COURSE OF rheumatoid arthritis COMPLICATED BY lesion of the esophagus
Authors: Zazdravnov A.A. Andrusha A.B. №52 (2) 2013 / Review: 11
Osteopenic syndrome and gastroesophageal reflux in patients with rheumatoid arthritis — an example of Clustering of Extraarticular Manifestations Concept
Authors: Zazdravnov A.A. Pasieshvili L.M. №50 (4) 2012 / Review: 14 |