Author :   Shevchuk S.V.

Structural and functional characteristic of bone tissue in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
Authors: Shevchuk S.V. Denyshchych L.P. №60 (2) 2015 / Review: 6
The features of lipid spectrum of patients with antiphospholipid syndrome
Authors: Shevchuk S.V. Segedа Yu.S. Kuvikova I.P. №50 (4) 2012 / Review: 22
Antiphospholipid antibodies as risk factors for cardiovascular lesions in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome
Authors: Shevchuk S.V. Segedа Yu.S. Kuvikova I.P. №49 (3) 2012 / Review: 25
Role of В2, В6 and В12 vitamin deficiency in anaemic syndrome development in patients with SLE
Authors: Shevchuk S.V. Кurilenko I.V. Shevchuk O.V. Безсмертна А.В. №45 (3) 2011 / Review: 11
Features anemic syndrome in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
Authors: Shevchuk S.V. Кurilenko I.V. №44 (2) 2011 / Review: 14