Author : Sirenko Yu.M.
Survival analysis of patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with connective tissue disease
Authors: Sirenko Yu.M. Radchenko G.D. Garmish O.O. Deiak S.I.... №87 (1) 2022 / Review: 45
Pulmonary arterial hypertension in patients with systemic sclerosis
Authors: Protsenko G.O. Sirenko Yu.M. №66 (4) 2016 / Review: 9
Subclinical atherosclerosis and cardiovascular risk, insulinresistance, level of adiponectin in rheumatoid arthritis combinated with hypertension
Authors: Kuryata O.V. Sirenko Yu.M. №62 (4) 2015 / Review: 10
The capabilitsts of systemic enzyme therapy in prevention and progression of peripherical arteries structural and functional disorders in patients with metabolic syndrome and osteoarthritis
Authors: Mitchenko O.I. Sirenko Yu.M. Kozliuk А. №57 (3) 2014 / Review: 11
Antisynthetase syndrome: diagnostic and treatment peculiarities
Authors: Sirenko Yu.M. Protsenko G.O. Boychuk N.S. №56 (2) 2014 / Review: 18 |